Upcoming Events
SCCP Engage In Person events
13, 26 and 27 November, 5.30pm - 7.00pm
Three informal networking events for SCCP members to yarn, connect and reflect. Light refreshments will be provided.
AUCKLAND: Wednesday 13 November, 5.30pm - 7.00pm, at Frequency, 6 Nikau Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland 1021. Hosted by SCCP Management Committee members Gavin Shaw and Tim Palin
WELLINGTON: Tuesday 19 November, 5.30pm - 7.00pm, at Beca, Aorangi House, 85 Molesworth Street, Wellington 6011. Hosted by SCCP Management Committee member Sharon Durno.
CHRISTCHURCH: Tuesday 26 November, 5.30pm - 7.00pm, at AECOM, Level 2, 88 Cashel Street, Central City, Christchurch 8011, hosted by SCCP Management Committee member Cathy Forrest.
SCCP Engage
Friday 29 November, 12.00-1.00pmWhat do you get when you put a Lawyer, Contractor, Consultant and Infrastructure expert together...
In our last SCCP Engage online session for 2024, a lawyer, a constructor, a consultant and an infrastructure expert look back at the first year of NZS3910:2023, share some of their experiences as panellists and prepare to enter the next series of Standards committee meetings to consider changes to NZS3916 and NZS3917.
SCCP members Lauren Whitehead, Allan Barclay, Gavin Shaw and John Hemi were members of the team responsible for the review of NZS3910, and three of them Allan, Gavin and John are on the panel currently deliberating on the redrafts of NZS3916 and NZS3917.
Facilitator Sharon Durno will have a series of inquisitive and thought-provoking questions for the group, before opening the floor to your questions and comments.
IC Panel Connect
Thursday 7 November, 12.00-1.00pm
This informal roundtable session for IC Panel members of SCCP will be hosted by SCCP Chair Gavin Shaw, who will facilitate an online discussion on some of the drafting ‘clarifications’ in NZS3910:2023 and provide a short update on the NZS3916 and 3917 review process. We invite all attendees to contribute respectfully and constructively as equals.
IC Panel Connect
Tuesday 3 December, 12.00-1.00pm
This IC Panel Connect forum for IC Panel members of SCCP will be hosted by SCCP Technical committee member Michaela Cook, delving further into the issues raised in her SCCP Engage webinar of 31 October, “Is Concurrent Delay a Chimera”. Michaela will present clauses she suggests should be added to the contract to avoid concurrent delay disputes and open the floor to discussion. This online session is open to discuss not only the subject-specific clauses but also the broader question of how SCCP can move forward to make cohesive recommendations to industry on this and other issues.

Previous Webinar Recordings
The first of these was Introducing SCCP: fostering contract administration excellence on Tuesday 26 March 2024.
This 45-minute webinar explained the values and goals of the organisation, the need for industry improvement, how this will be addressed by SCCP members – and why you should join the organisation.
Mark Cubey, executive officer of SCCP, introduced the speakers:
•John Hemi, director of Construction Productivity at the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission, Te Waihanga, and SCCP Affiliate member.
•Mark Mabey, Senior Associate at KWANTO, a founding member of the EtC Panel pilot, and SCCP Panel member.
•Lauren Whitehead, Infrastructure and Construction Partner at Anderson Lloyd, and SCCP Affiliate member.
•Gavin Shaw, Director of construction advisory practice Navig8, chair of the SCCP management committee, and SCCP Panel member.